Measurement in 2023 and Beyond

Measurement in 2023 and Beyond
The future of measurement continues to offer a huge platform of innovation for brands and agencies. The post-cookie measurement landscape seems uncertain. Long-standing traditional media channels such as TV and OOH have made steady progress in recent years in adapting to the growth of Connected TV and pDOOH despite all the known measurement challenges.

Author: Dishan Chougle, Director, Programmable Media , Together | Member IAB New Zealand Programmatic Council


Industry-wide initiatives to develop a privacy-first post-cookie measurement framework are making some progress however we are not there yet. Google is set to phase out Universal Analytics later this year, followed by cookie depreciation in late 2024 (hopefully!). This leaves marketers in a messy middle ground with many questions and limited resources to solve complex measurement issues. 

It is imperative for brands and agencies to continue exploring cookieless measurement frameworks and run proof-of-concept now to set themselves up for success. In this article we will be looking at established measurement frameworks to see if they are still relevant in a post-cookie world.


If you’re an IAB New Zealand Member, you can download the full article here.


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