Examining Programmatic DOOH's Place in Omnichannel

Examining Programmatic DOOH's Place in Omnichannel

IAB New Zealand's Programmatic Digital Out of Home Working Group examines how integrating pDOOH into an omnichannel strategy presents significant upside for efficiency, targeting, and measurement, but also presents challenges that need to be addressed to realise the full benefits. 


If you asked most media agency leaders what their ideal digital buying set up would be, they’d probably say one that can offer accurate deduplicated reach, frequency and attribution across all media channels. Or put another way, the promise of an omnichannel buying platform that would truly connect media strategy to its intended audience, with minimal wastage as well as supercharging workflows, optimisation, reporting and billing.


While we are a fair way off from realising this media buying utopia, the advent of programmatic digital out-of-home (pDOOH) and its incorporation into omnichannel buying platforms has certainly brought us one step closer. Integrating pDOOH into an omnichannel strategy presents significant upside for efficiency, targeting, and measurement, but it also presents challenges that need to be addressed if we are to realise the full benefit. 


Thank you to the following members of IAB New Zealand’s pDOOH Working Group for their work in producing this resource document, and a special thank you to Mish Cockcroft, Digital Specialist Chapter Member from The Warehouse Group for the case study.


Micaela Bos, Activation Director OMD

Max Charnin, Head of Programmatic, Outdoor & Radio MediaWorks

Michael Delaney, General Manager Digital Hearts & Science

Ash Houghton, Sales Director Hivestack

Richard Pook, Founder Productify Media

Sandra Scott, Sales & Partnerships Director NZ Vistar Media

Josh Turney, Programmatic Channel Lead oOh! Media

Jason Waddell, Business Development The Trade Desk

If you're an IAB New Zealand Member click here to gain access to read the full article. 

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