IAB Global Network

The IAB Global Network is a collaborative community of 45 IAB organisations from around the world, committed to advancing the digital advertising industry. 

International IAB Chapters

Founded in 1996, the IAB is headquartered in New York City with a Public Policy office in Washington and there are 45 national IABs and three regional IABs around the world. 


With members across the globe the network brings national IABs together to pioneer global solutions to shared challenges, offer a united perspective on the latest trends, and uphold standards across markets.


Between them, members of the IAB Global Network represent over 4,000 companies across the digital advertising supply chain – including publishers, ad tech companies, brands and media agencies. The high number of IAB members and the number of markets covered means that the IAB is a hugely significant global organisation. 

Our Members

Our members include advertisers, agencies, ad tech companies and media owners, so you're in the right place to discover the very best of digital advertising.
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